David talked up the trip for a month. I swear, I was sick of the zoo before we even got there. Probably because David goes to work all day and I get to hear Will talk for 10 hours about the aforementioned animals. It got a little old.
David wanted to fly, but everyone I talked to here said it's a pretty easy drive, so we did. We left on the Friday afternoon (weekend before Labor Day) and planned to return on Monday. I deliberately withheld Will's nap thinking he would sleep in the car. Note to self: he's not a car sleeper. After about 6 1/2 hours (1 of which was spent in an Applebee's in Yuma), lots of desolate landscape (or darkness), and 2 or 3 border crossing checkpoints later, we arrived at our hotel in Carlsbad (Will screamed for pretty much the whole last hour. David was driving, there were some nasty cross-winds in the mountains outside San Diego, and we were all tired...it was a long day).
The hotel was great -- right across the street from the beach. They gave Will a little stuffed sting ray and that went a long way towards soothing his raw nerves. He slept great in his little inflatable toddler bed and we set off the next morning for the zoo.
I won't go into a lot of detail on all the animals, but it was a GREAT experience and I can't wait to go back! What astounded us both was how close you can get to the animals, and how natural their environments are. There's lots of glass, not bars, so you can get good, unobstructed views of the animals in their environments. The most impressive to David and I was the male gorilla. He exuded dominance and scared the crap out of us when he came out of his "home."
I told David I wouldn't
All of the animals were wonderful. For some, Will had a very long attention span (namely the koalas)...for others, like the panda, it was, "Okay, seen it, now I want to see the gorilla!" I mean, literally, it was a 3-second "saw it" then off to the next animal.
A surprise David and I got was that Will wanted to ride the Sky Tram. Will typically isn't that adventurous, but we must have ridden that thing 5 times in two days. Usually, we would do a round trip, but a couple times we took the stroller onto the tram with us all folded up (and very crowded). We liked that Will liked it and we could see some animals. I think he just liked the novelty of it all. No doubt when we go back, we'll be riding it again.
We stayed at the zoo until just after lunch on Saturday and Sunday, then headed back to the hotel so Will (and the rest of us) could nap. After naptime, we spent one afternoon on the beach (suffice to say W
I got to spend some time with my old high school friend, Gladys, as well, who lives in Carlsbad with her family. She was kind enough to come over to the hotel one afternoon while Will was napping so we could catch up and spend some time talking (she stayed at our house in July when she was going through AZ on the way to TX, but with 6 kids between the two of us, there wasn't much time for talking).
The return trip was much better and we got to see some wonderful landscape that we missed on our getting-there trip (because it was dark). David has a conference in SD in April and I think we're going to take Sean this time. He will be 2 by then and old enough to either listen to what I'm telling him (if he's going to walk the whole thing) or be patient enough to sit in the stroller.
I posted some pics of our trip on Facebook. You can follow this link to view them (no membership required).